Logo design
Soniakh is a platform amplifying voices and visions from Ukraine and those of Ukraine’s allies and neighbors—by artists, activists, and scholars—in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and its worldwide propaganda machine.
Soniakh [eng: sunflower] is named after an act of resistance carried out by an anonymous woman, an inhabitant of Henichesk, Kherson Oblast, southern Ukraine. On 24 February 2022, the first day of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, she approached a Russian occupying soldier offering him a handful of sunflower seeds: “Put some seeds in your pocket, so that they will grow on Ukrainian land when you die”. Soniakh as a name refers to the process of sublimation and reconstruction, whereby destruction is turned into new life.

Magazine concept
Website concept 1
Website concept 2
Website concept 3
Soniakh. Logo design

Soniakh. Logo design
