Perfil de Rishabh Sipani

VR Glass Interaction Design

VR Glasses Interaction Design Concept

Let us enter a world where the day-to-day life of individuals is revolutionized by integration with AI assistants. Watch the user easily move across their environment with the mere wink of an eye and a voice command:

🎥 Step 1: Across the street, the user sees a movie poster. Through their VR AI assistant, they would just have to say something simple to get the movie’s name instead of struggling with their eyes or giving second thoughts.

🍕 Step 2: However, it is not only about movies. Therefore, to get more than just cinematic experiences, the user gazes at a restaurant billboard that is close by. This way, in seconds, the AI assistant can provide information on where one intends to go thus enabling them to make better informed spontaneous decisions.

📍 Step 3: But why stop there? The next objective for our user is to search out other similar eateries within reach. With a quick scan and then touch, the AI assistant produces a list showing preferences connected to personalized choices linked to food tastes.

It is merely showing how convenience and efficiency can be redefined in our everyday lives through interaction design. Everything from fast information retrieval systems to easy navigation becomes possible with the VR Glasses Concept. 👓✨
VR Glass Interaction Design


VR Glass Interaction Design
