Profil appartenant à Laura Mostofi

Great Places to Snorkel

Love to Snorkel? Choose One of These Cool Places

According to the National Geological​ Survey, about 71% of the planet is covered by water. When I speak with clients about their travel plans and wish list, I often receive requests for swimmable beaches, clear water, great snorkeling or diving, and fun watersports. Water is an important part of many vacation plans.

Fortunately, many of the world's most spectacular beaches and snorkel/dive sites are in the United States and Caribbean, making them easily accessible to a variety of travelers. During your next cruise or resort vacation, plan an excursion to a memorable snorkeling site.

Snorkeling sites abound in the Cayman Islands, but if evening snorkeling captures your imagination, book a tour to float around in Grand Cayman's Bioluminescent Bay. Disruptions in the water cause plankton to emit light which creates colorful sparkles beneath the surface, an effect experienced in few places around the world. Shallow and calm waters, a setting sun, and the promise of viewing a bit of science magic make this snorkeling experience a must-do.

The cool, underground waters in the cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula provide the perfect escape from the country's hot tropical sun. Ik-Kil, the most visited cenote in the region, is stunning in its beauty. Lush vegetation, draping vines, and clear turquoise waters beckon swimmers and photographers alike.

Pristine Hanauma Bay was declared a nature preserve in 1967 to protect the marine life in the region, and ongoing efforts have helped this beautiful bay maintain its delicate ecosystem. Visitors are limited and must make reservations, but incredible snorkeling (you must use reef-safe sunscreen and abide by other park rules!) make this state park a must-see when in Oahu.

The waters off the island of Cozumel are so clear you can see up to 250 feet, and this clarity provides a breathtaking view of the underwater kingdom. The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef surrounds the island, offering snorkelers and divers an array of marine life at a variety of snorkeling spots. Palancar Reef is the most popular because of its high visibility, deep waters, and many fish, but beginner snorkelers might prefer a shallower destination.

Contact me to plan your next snorkeling getaway!
Great Places to Snorkel
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Great Places to Snorkel

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