S E N T I M E N T A L  D R I F T
To capture the transmuteing beauty, a cycle, a rite of passage, here lay the stones that led to growth. These are my london love notes, a moment of youth to present.
I like to see the beauty in the mundane, its the simple composition which intrigues, I'm learning to read life as it is lived, to capture these expressing emotions, energy and stillness all into one frame. these are relics of my thankfulness, each moment a melody in the symphony of life.
the cycles precedes to transform and transistion, change brings us to the limnal thersold, in this letting go the path forms, a cycle of separation, transition and return.
Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. - ZHUANGZI
         these images are dear to my heart, for they are shared with loved ones and define a diary of existance.
Sentimental Drift 1

Sentimental Drift 1

