Profil appartenant à Urwah Nawaz

Genome Informatics Poster Design

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
6 — 9 December 2023
Design Notes
The scope of topics covered at Genome Informatics @ CSHL mainly focuses on bioinformatics. As such, I approached the poster knowing that majority of the audience will have a grasp of the key bioinformatics concepts and wanted to highlight all the technical aspects of my project. 

This poster builds on my previous design that I presented at Lorne Genome Conference, which was inspired by Georgia Lupi's Nobel Prize Laureate visualisation. Feeling that Lorne Poster felt a bit black, I decided to make the main figure (Datasets) a lot smaller in comparison. In addition, I added more details on the Data Pre-processing section and Functionalities section. 
Software: Adobe Illustrator, R/ggplot2, R/ggstatsplot, RAWGraphs
Typefaces: Century Gothic Pro, Rufina Stencil Alt 
Genome Informatics Poster Design
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Genome Informatics Poster Design

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