Crave Naturals
DTC / CPG / Amazon Listing / Optimization

Crave is dedicated to creating hair care products that simplify routines and eliminate frustrations. Crave brush stands as the #6 best-selling hairbrush on Amazon, with over 84,000 reviews, a 4.3 rating, and the coveted Amazon’s Choice badge.

Recognizing the potential for growth, the team planned on developing new color variants. This endeavor prompted the need for updated branding and fresh product imagery, a task that had been neglected since the brand’s acquisition. Initially, we conducted pickfu testing, comparing the original images with those of competitors. The results underscored the necessity for new content and imagery to enhance the brand’s appeal. Notably, the original photos lacked lifestyle shots, in-use depictions, and close-ups.

The initial design concept I proposed featured more background colors with white text accompanied by lifestyle imagery. Testing this against the original images yielded a decisive victory of 92 to 8. Despite this success, brand managers hesitated to deviate from the original clean white aesthetic. To address their concerns, I developed an alternative design with a more subdued color palette. However, testing demonstrated that the original colorful design remained superior, prevailing once more with a vote of 76 to 24. Even though the data favored the vibrant design, the team proceeded with the second option. Despite this departure from the preferred design, the new imagery coincided with an uptick in sales, proving the effectiveness of the refreshed branding strategy.
A+ Content
New Photography Style
Original Listing Photo's and A+ Content
Crave Naturals


Crave Naturals
