Profiel van Asghar Imdad

The Rich Philosopher EBook Cover Design

 Project Name: "The Rich Philosopher" eBook Cover Design
 Client: Daniel
 Designer: Asghar
 Date: July 10, 2023

Background and Goal:
Daniel enlisted my services to craft an eBook cover for his philosophy publication, "The Rich Philosopher: How I Got Million Plus Followers on Instagram." He sought a cover that harmonized creativity, professionalism, and visual representation of the subject matter, all while being vibrant, engaging, and visually captivating. The aim was to manifest a cover that authentically depicted the fusion of philosophy and psychology within the realm of Instagram, with the overarching goal of captivating potential readers.

Process/Steps Taken:
1.Initial Consultation: A comprehensive discussion with Daniel to grasp his vision, target audience, and design preferences for the eBook cover.
2. Research and Inspiration: Immersed myself in philosophy, psychology, and Instagram culture to draw inspiration for the design elements.
3. Concept Development: Sketched numerous design concepts, focusing on integrating recognizable symbols from philosophy and psychology while maintaining a contemporary aesthetic.
4. Digital Rendering: Translated the chosen concept into digital form, experimenting with color palettes, typography, and layout compositions.
5. Feedback and Iteration: Presented the initial design to Daniel for feedback, iterated based on his input to refine the cover further.
6. Finalization: Upon Daniel's approval, finalized the cover design, ensuring it met high-resolution standards and compatibility with various eBook platforms.

Marrying philosophy and psychology within the Instagram context necessitated thoughtful consideration. I opted for a central symbol representing the convergence of these disciplines, intriguing viewers and hinting at the book's content. The vibrant color scheme of blue, purple, and green complemented the design, conveying intellect, creativity, and growth. Subtle decorative elements were incorporated to enhance sophistication without detracting from the main focus.

Solution in Context:
The final eBook cover design for "The Rich Philosopher" adeptly encapsulates the essence of the book's content while being visually captivating. By seamlessly integrating recognizable symbols from philosophy and psychology with a vibrant color scheme and subtle decorative elements, the cover grabs attention and entices potential readers. It serves as a prelude to the intellectual journey within the book's pages, contributing to its appeal in the competitive eBook market.
The Rich Philosopher EBook Cover Design

The Rich Philosopher EBook Cover Design


Creatieve disciplines