Crafting my inaugural 3D third-person platformer in Unreal Engine for a class project was a thrilling journey of self-discovery and innovation. Armed with basic knowledge gleaned from classroom settings, I delved into the depths of the engine, blending newfound understanding with my creative vision. Through relentless self-learning and experimentation, I transformed my project into a polished and professional endeavor, igniting my passion for game development and setting the stage for future creative pursuits
The idea was that the game would broken in to 4 little  parts that form the big whole. The first was a platformer jump, a closing wall passage, a spinning bar that blocks your path and throws you away and the last on is a moving platform
The game was not working perfectly at the time especially do to my understanding of UE5 i had certain issues with the game i took about 5 days to make the game.
In order of each blueprint and what they do :
1)Moving pillars: It moves the pillars left to right and will apply damage to the player if it makes contact wit it and emits sparks and a noise
2) Spawn: It respawns the character at the last checkpoint said character reached
3)Checkpoint: It takes a instance of the spawn blueprint to load in the player 
4)Moving Platform:  It moves the platform at a selected anchor in the world it loops to do the same route again
5) Quit and resume: it takes in the game input to pause or quit the game based on input chosen
6)Death Spawn: It spawn the player back in the game but from the beginning of the level
7) UI: Change's the number on the screen timer 




