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Development Cards: In practice

Development Boards: In practice
In today's dynamic business landscape, the utilization of development boards has become a cornerstone for innovation and progress across industries. Development boards, often equipped with microcontrollers, sensors, and various input/output interfaces, serve as versatile platforms for prototyping and realizing a wide array of electronic projects. Whether in the realms of Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, or embedded systems, these boards offer developers, engineers, and hobbyists the tools to bring their ideas to life efficiently and effectively. From the popular Arduino and Raspberry Pi to more specialized platforms like BeagleBone and ESP32, the accessibility and flexibility of development boards have democratized technology development, fostering a culture of experimentation and collaborative problem-solving. In this context, exploring the practical applications and methodologies of development boards unveils a realm of possibilities, where creativity meets functionality to drive innovation forward.
This time, we are going to examine some of these boards through small exercises that demonstrate their differences in simple tasks, such as turning on an LED.
Arduino Uno:

The challenge was to create a captivating light display using five LEDs. The task involved illuminating the LEDs in pairs randomly, resulting in a visually dynamic sequence. To achieve this, Arduino programming concepts like randomization and conditional statements were utilized. By carefully crafting the code, a symphony of light was orchestrated, with each LED flickering to life in harmony with its partner, creating an engaging visual spectacle. This exercise highlighted the versatility of Arduino as a platform for artistic expression and technical innovation, demonstrating its potential for creating dynamic and interactive projects.

Raspberry pi pico:

The challenge was to explore the capabilities of the microcontroller by completing two tasks. In the first task, a circuit was designed to illuminate an LED using a push button as a control mechanism. Through programming, it was ensured that the LED turned on only when the button was pressed, demonstrating the integration of input and output functionalities. For the second task, a potentiometer was utilized to modulate the intensity of another LED. By mapping the analog input from the potentiometer to the brightness level of the LED, a dynamic system was created where the intensity varied according to the position of the potentiometer. This exercise showcased the versatility of Raspberry Pi Pico and provided valuable hands-on experience in interfacing with various input and output devices, laying the groundwork for more complex projects in the future.

A simulated internet page was created to control an LED via Wi-Fi using the device's IP address. The project began with configuring the ESP8266 to connect to a local Wi-Fi network and obtain an IP address. Subsequently, a simple web server was developed on the ESP8266, allowing users to access a web page hosted by the device. Through this web page, users could interact with a graphical interface to toggle the state of an LED connected to the ESP8266. By sending requests to the ESP8266, users could remotely control the LED's on/off state. This project demonstrated the potential of ESP8266 microcontrollers for IoT applications, highlighting their ability to enable remote control and monitoring functionalities over Wi-Fi networks.
BBC microbit:

The BBC Microbit has advantages such as its compact size and ease of use, making it ideal for educational projects. However, it has hardware and connectivity limitations that could affect the complexity of the project.
For our Edtech project involving plant monitoring, the BBC Microbit can be used with Python due to its ease of use and flexibility in handling sensor data.
In summary, the BBC Microbit can be a viable option for the project due to its accessibility and variety of programming languages. However, it's important to consider its limitations and select the most suitable language based on the project's needs.

Raspberry zero 2w:

The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W offers compact size, ease of use, and connectivity options, making it a versatile choice for educational and IoT projects. It can connect to a display, runs its own operating system, and with a USB hub, multiple peripherals can be attached.
For our plant monitoring Edtech project, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W can utilize Python to handle sensor data, allowing for customization and expansion beyond what the BBC Microbit can offer.

Development Cards: In practice
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Development Cards: In practice

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