Aeturnus, latin for Eternal. 
I didn't know what to initially name this project for the longest time so I just called it the vampire box. The idea was you find yourself in a dark room and you wake up and notice a guy in the room with you, once he sees your awake, he hands you this box. Inside the box is a vial of blood, the vellum sheet that gives a brief explanation of what's going on, a booklet, and 'sunscreen'. I used a laser cutter to cut the box into the correct shape as well as the covers that went over the open box. The idea was initially to put vinyl on the box but the vinyl wouldn't peel off correctly so I had to just print out the design and use spray adhesive to adhere it to the box. The vellum I just printed, I spray painted a can of sunscreen, put blood in a glass vial I had, and put velvet on the inside of the box to set the items on top of. The sunscreen was a bit of a joke to fill space in the box, because vampires normally burn in the sun. Sol Imbre is latin for sun shower. For the Eternal Lessons booklet, I used a thin jewelry wire to do Japanese stab binding. 


