Project House 1940
Project House 1940 is an horror game inspired by Resident Evil, being developed in the Unreal Engine 5. In the game you will be able to explore an abandoned house full of mystery, dangers and will discover the history of the family who lived in the house. The project started being developed in September of 2023
Shooting Mechanic
The shooting mechanic has particles, damage based in the equipped weapon, reloading animations and a mechanic that detects different hit surface to emit different particles.
The shooting mechanic has particles, damage based in the equipped weapon, reloading animations and a mechanic that detects different hit surface to emit different particles.
Equipament System and Inventory 
inventory was made using an inventory asset developed by Unreal
Enemy AI  
The enemy AI still in beginning, doesn't have behavior tree, the enemy search for players in the map, chace and attack.
the game has physics driven doors, some of them can only be open with a key, when locked if the player press the interaction button the game will posses the door pawn and open the inventory so the player can use the key to open.
the game has physics driven doors, some of them can only be open with a key, when locked if the player press the interaction button the game will posses the door pawn and open the inventory so the player can use the key to open.
project still in development and have plans of becoming a real game in this year.
project still in development and have plans of becoming a real game in this year.
Project House 1940


Project House 1940


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