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2024 Calendar for Haru-to-Yuki knick-knack-shop

2024 Calendar for “Haru-to-Yuki Zakka-ten”はるとゆき雑貨店
(Haru-to-Yuki knick-knack-shop)
Haru-to-Yuki knick-knack shop is located in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
I created a calendar for the knick-knack shop. The shop gives away free original calendars every year as a token of gratitude.
This year's theme was "Heights"
I referenced retro architecture and the cover of Led Zeppelin's "Physical Graffiti".
I drew the cats living in a building called Haru-to-Yuki Heights. These cats are from rescue cats. This store's shop cats are also pictured.
2024 Calendar for Haru-to-Yuki knick-knack-shop


2024 Calendar for Haru-to-Yuki knick-knack-shop
