Night Lore
This project has been a leap for me as a 3D model creator and game asset builder. The goal of this project was to create assets that could be used in a future game. I wanted to show the possibilities of what I could help to build in a potential game world. And how I could contribute to creating a full feeling world that could come to life.
These images are of my final scene showing the build of my project from different angles. When I created these models I wanted them to be able to be viewable and see possible real application of these objects. I want to be able to create models that feel as if they could be used in a real scenario. That way when I use them in a game scene it will give that almost real-life feeling. And it would allow them to be animated for any possible use in the future.
Post Mortem
There was a lot of personal growth and unexpected turns during this project. Many stages of cutting and then expanding into better areas were done throughout the process. The development of my project followed a path of:

Planning the theme and end goal
Initial modeling
Cutting the scope
Slowly building back up the scope as the scene came together
Making finalizations with the new creations
Uploading into Sketchfab to finalize my work and my post-processing effects
Night Lore V1
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Night Lore V1

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