In this project, there are no specific problem which comes from the outside source. Instead coming from the inner urge of defining myself, how I want my presentation to look like. The main focus I want to achieve here is to express myself as a person that I am, and a person I want to be. To solve this problem I have to ask myself a question: How good do I know myself? Do I have any describable concept about me as a person?
On approaching a solution, I have decided to make it a series of collages that I then divided them into chapters. In these chapters, I will explore aspects of myself, first starting with my humanbeing-ness, my very physical existence.
Chapter 1 - Human being/Being human
Method: Scanography, Collage
First I scanned all the things that I related to/confirm my being: the hairpins that I use to prevent hair coming all down on my face, the collage that I made with friend in the park, doodles that I find cute, Carmex lip balm which I adore, proof of my grocery shopping at Asian market and portrait of myself. Then I bring those objects into Photoshop to put them together. 
Zine Design: Human Being


Zine Design: Human Being
