Profil von Akanksha Marde

Public Awareness Poster: Pollution

The headline of the poster, "VIRTUAL REALITY CAN NEVER CHANGE THE FUTURE OF OUR OCEANS......," sets the tone for a powerful environmental message. The poster juxtaposes a vibrant, healthy underwater scene with a stark portrayal of ocean pollution. It features a child immersed in virtual reality, unaware of the pollution surrounding them, symbolizing society's detachment from the reality of environmental degradation. The bottom half of the poster serves as a wake-up call, depicting the child swimming through a polluted sea filled with plastic waste. The statement, "SO STOPPING POLLUTION IS THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION!" reinforces the urgent need for action to combat pollution and preserve the health of our oceans. Additionally, the warning that "BY 2050 THERE COULD BE MORE PLASTIC IN OCEAN THAN FISH" underscores the severity of the issue and the dire consequences if left unchecked. The inclusion of the emblems of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change lends credibility to the message, signaling that this is an official campaign to raise awareness about ocean pollution and the imperative of environmental conservation. Overall, the poster effectively communicates the urgency of addressing pollution to safeguard the future of our oceans and marine life.
Public Awareness Poster: Pollution

Public Awareness Poster: Pollution

