ART 235: PSA Posters
The goal of this project is to design three Public Service Announcement (PSA) posters focusing on topics of our choice while implementing creative strategies to effectively communicate the message and provoke action or awareness among the audience.

For this project, the topic chosen was “Distracted Driving.” The specific public these posters were geared towards is young adults in the year 2024. Taking into consideration new habits developed by this generation, this project will consider the daily distractions that may lead into car accidents or possible deaths of pedestrians.
Poster #1: "When Driving: Snacks Can Wait"
Many messages are presented on these posters. For this example, I am emphazing the single fry with an injured hand holding it. This presents the consequences of what eating snacks while driving can lead to. The fry itself also plays a role as the "I" of "Wait" to lead the viewers eye to that word. When read from a distance, an advice is the first message noticed: "When driving: Wait," which can apply to both snacks and driving laws.
Poster #2: "When Driving: Keep Eyes Up and Phone Down"
The emphasis of this poster is present in different areas. The main message "When Driving: Phone Down" is shown by contrasting white letters on a darker background. The hand holding the phone with a cracked screen also isolates the "O" of "Down" to keep the eye fo the public looking. Phones are one of the main distractions when driving, due to constant notifications and stimulating apps. One look at your phone while driving can not only destroy your phone, but also your life.
Poster #3: "When Driving: Make The Road Your Focus"
After covering snacks and phones, I did more research and found that make-up is a very common distraction while driving, especially among women. This poster is emphasizing the message "When Driving: Focus" and at the same time, distracting the public with spilled nail polish meant to look like a puddle of blood. This spill is also filling the role of the letter "O" for the word "Focus." The hand holding the nail polish is hurt, covered with bandages and bandaids to show that getting distracted with these objects, or focusing on the spill of the nail polish makes us ignore the consequences of deviating our view from the road. 
ART 235: PSA Posters

ART 235: PSA Posters

