Bowling eye
The interpretation of the bowling ball as an eye introduces an additional layer of symbolism to the artwork. This gilded eye, distinctly marked by its pupil and iris, draws focus and might hint at themes of oversight or overwhelming perception. The eye’s gaze upon the pins could symbolize a sense of mastery or assessment.
This surreal aspect is amplified by the eye’s transformation, reminiscent of Salvador Dalí's works, where everyday objects are altered to challenge our usual perceptions. The eye-as-object also touches on themes of sight and interpretation, perhaps questioning the observer's role in bowling or, more broadly, in life itself.
The cloud-strewn backdrop takes on a richer meaning with this lens; it could symbolize the mind or consciousness in which the eye sees beyond mere surfaces. Similarly, the checkered floor may represent the fabric of reality as discerned by the eye, hinting that perception is subject to change based on viewpoint and context.
Therefore, this illustration transcends a mere dreamlike bowling scene to become a contemplation on vision, awareness, and how we interpret the scenes before us.
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Illustration: Julien Marie | a.k.a: Glad
Bowling eye


Bowling eye


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