For this project I needed to create an infographic illustrating five steps of a procedural activity. I had to think carefully about how to illustrate each step very clearly because text could not be used for further explanation. The viewer must be able to discern what each step of the activity is. I chose to illustrate a guide for propagating plants. I used a simple monochromatic green color palette, with a chalkboard doodle illustration style.
Finished Piece
I knew the style and colors from very early on in my project, but the composition was one of the harder decisions to make. I went  through a few different options before landing on my final composition, which I think has the most affective and balanced use of space. The process of my illustrations can be seen in my sketches above and the differences are noticeable when compared to my finalized infographic. 
I can easily see this infographic as a poster in a classroom. 
Thank You!
Mockup image from Freepik
Propagation Infographic
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Propagation Infographic

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