Mike Macaks profil

An Awesome Summer Night

An Awesome Summer Night
August 9, 2011
As summer rapidly draws to a close, it is important to spend some quality time outdoors after working inside all summer. Nothing beats a 75 degree night in the park with pictures and food. This was the first time I really got to shoot a lot of portrait type shots, both with and without a single strobe. These are just some of the images I really enjoyed, but above all, the camaraderie was what can be taken away from the early August night; the pictures are merely ways to bring back memories. Thanks for looking!
The first of a few "Let's take pictures with you on my back" type photos
Well this seems backwards...
That's better. End "Let's take pictures with you on my back" type photos!
It's too bad summer always has to come to an end, but sometimes the most simple nights are the ones that you'll always remember.

                                            Best of luck to our military as they continue to fight for our freedom!
An Awesome Summer Night

An Awesome Summer Night

A summer time memory



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