Working directly with Tool's lead developer, I put together a treatment for IBM and James Murphy about how we'd use IBM's cloud services to compute the raw data from tennis matches and transform each match into a unique song. 
In the positioning of this novel use of technology we applied the term "heightened reality." Our team used the classic film storytelling device to distinguish how unlike augmented reality, we'd use IBM's tech seamlessly in a way that complements everyday life and enhances it to make the world more inspiring. 
When the project went live it trended on Twitter, received coverage by massive press outlets like: Gizmodo, Vice, Rolling Stone and Pitchfork, and it's already being talked up as a contender for Cannes. The project is currently live and the music is changing as the games transpire.
Check it out here -
IBM + US Open

IBM + US Open

LCD Soundsystem founder James Murphy and IBM wanted to use the raw data from tennis matches to generate an algorithm that will transform each mat Read More
