Marina Svahn 님의 프로필

Stylized Forest Creature

Game Prompt: Elements of Infinity - A magical fantasy adventure set in the future.
I imagine this game would be an open world adventure game that is either not directly dystopian or directly mechanical and stereotypically "futuristic". This creature dwells in the forested areas, but there are different variations of its species in other parts of the world. It is closely tied to nature and exhibits cat-like characteristics in its personality and appearance. The closeness with nature is in its very DNA with a kind of symbiosis being reached by having parts of nature (the leaves) growing from its body. These aid in its camouflage, as it is a beast that would rather not get into conflicts other than when it hunts for food, but even then, it only hunts for insects or smaller prey or eats fruits, nuts, and seeds. Its body is lithe and agile like a cat that helps with stealth and moving in its environment and its eyesight is even better. Those big eyes also help it see in all kinds of light, which is a big aid to guiding the player, and it can even help find secrets that may be hidden in magical ways. The end of its tail holds a little light akin to that of a firefly that can glow bright enough to light the path or to communicate distantly with others of its kind. It makes little chirping noises as well, which can imitate a bird. This little beast can grow as big as a bobcat and likes to hide out in trees and cover itself with its leaf tail to sleep. Its patterned fur also provides an element of camouflage amongst the forest floor and different canopies of trees. It is an intelligent being, with a curious nature but still a bit skittish if approached in the wild. 
Food Web
Environmental Drawing
Stylized Forest Creature

Stylized Forest Creature
