Kristen Thacker 的個人檔案

PSA Campaign-Mental Health Care

PSA Campaign Designs
Made to promote awareness regarding the stigma around mental health care.
I was asked to design a series of PSA-style posters, and decided to focus on mental health care. 
The point of this series is to help emphasize the idea that receiving mental health care should not be treated as any different than other forms of healthcare.
It's seen as something normal, even encouraged, to go to a doctor when you think something is wrong with you physically, however many people seem to think that the same does not apply to things that affect you mentally.
I hope that by bringing awareness to the different way we treat the two kinds of care, people will begin to realize that there's no shame in seeking treatment for something that is causing you pain no matter what kind it may be.

PSA Campaign-Mental Health Care

PSA Campaign-Mental Health Care

