Henkilön Sara Frágil profiili

The yellow baby whale- Animation Studies

Vimeo (for better quality)
This animation study exercise delves deep into the intricacies of movement, meticulously exploring each frame to master the art of animation. Inspired by the work of Seoro Oh, whose expertise illuminates every aspect of the process, from light and texture to expressions and sound. This endeavor aims to comprehensively grasp the nuances of bringing characters to life, frame by frame.
In my interpretation of the whale, I've softened her presence into a gentle, baby-like form, with endearing, round eyes that emanate warmth. Soft, warm colors evoke a sense of innocence and youthfulness. The movement begins leisurely, mirroring the slow pace of infancy, then gradually accelerates to symbolize growth and vitality.
The choice of green resonates deeply, symbolizing growth and vitality, mirroring the whale's journey of maturation. Its angelic and soft hue imbues a sense of purity and innocence, evoking a feeling of serenity and tranquility. Through this color palette, the whale's transformation unfolds with a sense of natural grace and beauty.
Here, the complexity of the timeline unfolds, revealing the intricate layers of frame-by-frame animation. Each moment meticulously crafted, showcasing the dedication and time-consuming nature of this artistic process. Yet, within this labor-intensive endeavor lies the beauty of bringing movement to life, as every frame breathes with intention and meaning, ultimately captivating hearts and minds alike.
Expressions become paramount as they convey the essence of the whale's journey. Her eyes, brimming with emotion, serve as windows to her soul, allowing viewers to dive deep into her world. Together, we embark on a journey, experiencing every emotion in tandem, from joy to wonder, forging a profound connection through shared experiences.
Check my Instagram for more!
The yellow baby whale- Animation Studies


The yellow baby whale- Animation Studies
