Perfil de Emmanuel Jonado

NStyle Logo - Branding & brand identity design

Fashion Brand

Design Concept:
The logo for NStyle Fashion Brand embodies the essence of sophistication, elegance, and contemporary style. It's designed to resonate with the brand's target audience of fashion-forward individuals who appreciate timeless yet modern aesthetics.

Typography: The typography chosen for "NStyle" strikes a balance between elegance and modernity. It should be sleek, clean, and easily readable. A custom font or a modified existing font could be utilized to give it a unique touch.
Icon: The stylized icon accompanying the text symbolize the brand's identity and values. The icon is a fusion of the letter "N" "S'' & ''T" and a subtle fashion-related motif symbol evoking style and sophistication.
Colour Palette:  A combination of neutral tones of black, white, shades of grey accented with brand colour vibrant hue to add a modern twist. 
NStyle Logo - Branding & brand identity design


NStyle Logo - Branding & brand identity design
