3D Design Experience Video: "Here to Serve"
Natalie Allrich
Haylie Ediger
Rose Padios
Ella Martin
We were assigned to create an experience for the viewer that would have some influence on them in some way. We wanted to do this by creating a video that would evoke confusion.
Our video final was a hyper feminine, uneasy, confusing, experience. We wanted our viewer to not exactly know the storyline, but be up to them to create the story using context. Our brainstorming started on Pinterest, looking a lot at crazy editorials, the “coquette” lifestyles, bows, wigs, and everything feminine. Originally we thought of an idea to create wigs out of random material, and possibly have a spin of a video on that. But after more development we landed on an idea of having 3 guys, and an eventual overwhelming amount of girls. The idea was for the girls actions to not only intensify to the eye of the camera and each other, but to the boys so much as to where they aren’t sure if they are enjoying their stay or if they are scared. During critique the theme of “Feminine rage” was brought up which I think is a great descriptor of kind of the feeling we were going for. Our groups inspiration came a lot from just a couple of girls who love bows and like to confuse men.
Process photos:
Here to Serve


Here to Serve
