Module 3.7

After affects:

Every week we had a new assignment.
It was to start learning about after affects in general. I have a hard time getting a grasp of new things. But even though the first few lessons were troublesome. It was fun in the end. The teacher really helped make us understand and was always there to help us when we needed it.
Module 2.7


Making a background for which ever character was created. Of course there was some trouble during this. As we weren't that sure what needed to be made of the character.
(Turned out it had to be something you found most interesting. Or something you feel interested in)

I had two idea's.
1. An empty road that would show that I do like to be alone. But the houses around it would just mean that I do also like company. Not directly around me. But just knowing that someone around would be there in the house. so I would not feel that alone.
The night would show that I like stars.

2. A cold winter with the ice is that I am a very cold person. I don't show much affection at first sight. But break that ice. And you will find something underneath.

I have chosen of the second option.
I am not that familiar with Blender still. I didn't want to try and make something I would not be able to finish.
The animation for the background below is what I tried to work on.
It's not amazing. But it's something at least.
Module 1.7

Character design:

I based what I wanted off my background idea. So sadly I did not make myself or some kind of version of myself. (For it was neither stated clear either in class that we must have made a kind of version of ourselves)

Though. I know exactly what I wanted to make. And watching a lot of beautiful animated movies gave me some inspiration of course.
I looked for inspiration and added that to the character. Over all. This program was also very new to me. Having made something like this was a very big surprise. For he looks quite good!
End Result:

I try my best to understand what is going on in class, but I still haven't remembered how to have the animation cut off where it ends. I will do my best to try and look back on how to do that. If we get more of these classes.
Though it's not amazing. I am quite pleased with the result below.
Module Periode 7

Module Periode 7
