The Spinning Bottle Opener
Designed by Jiwoong Yang / 2024 / Product Design
Most of the tools we use with our hands require simple movements and operating principles to avoid much effort. However, by simplifying this too much, the form has been simplified and standardized, and in the end, tools that lose meaning other than function are left in the corner of our lives.

Typically, a bottle opener is one of the items that is left on the table after opening a bottle to drink. In fact, if you only have a moderately flat, long object that the principle of the lever can act on, you don't even need a bottle opener.

So why does a bottle opener exist? How does one exist when opening or not using a bottle?

Totem is a bottle opener in the form of a top. By giving an existing stereotypical bottle opener a new context of play. We want to present a new object design that is closer to our daily lives and can last longer.

To avoid the shape of a conventional flat, elongated bottle opener, you can play with it, while at the same time bringing a morphological motif from a visually entertaining toy top.
Personal Project
2024. 4

Seoul, Korea
Designed by Jiwoong Yang

More Projects @jw_folio


