Profiel van Sarah Glenn

Chipotle Annual Report Redesign

Chipotle Annual Report Redesign
Choose a company’s annual to design or redesign, the report must include a
narrative detailing achievements and company news relevant to the year and a
financial section with data from the past year. The goal is to design a report that is
consistent visually and displays information in a way that would be appealing to
company shareholders and other professionals while also maintaining the brand’s
voice and identity.

For this project, I chose to redesign Chipotle’s 2023 Annual Report. From the very
start of the design ideation phase, I knew I wanted to keep Chipotle’s signature
brand voice and identity. I focused on incorporating Chipotle’s playfulness with
casual headings, doodles inspired by Chipotle’s signature bags, and interaction
between image, type, and color throughout the report. Typography was also a
large part of this project, building maintaining a type system was paramount to
it’s overall professionalism and success. The key to designing this report was the
balance of all these elements and attention to even the smallest details.

Programs Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Chipotle Annual Report Redesign


Chipotle Annual Report Redesign


Creatieve disciplines