Profil appartenant à Amna Shahzad

"Before and After" Unicorn Poster

"Before and After" Unicorn Poster 
The original unicorn poster featured a simplistic design with a single unicorn image in the centre, surrounded by generic stars and rainbows. The colours were dull and lacked vibrancy, failing to capture the magical essence associated with unicorns. The typography was plain and uninspiring, failing to draw attention to the key elements of the poster.

The redesigned unicorn poster undergoes a dramatic transformation, embracing a more dynamic and enchanting aesthetic. The unicorn is depicted in a majestic pose, surrounded by a vibrant array of colourful stars, swirls, and sparkles, creating a sense of whimsy and magic. The colours have been carefully selected to evoke a sense of wonder and joy, with hues of pastel pinks, purples, and blues infusing the poster with energy and vitality. The typography has been updated to a playful and elegant font, enhancing the overall charm and appeal of the design. The result is a captivating poster that not only celebrates the beauty of unicorns but also transports viewers to a magical realm filled with imagination and wonder.
"Before and After" Unicorn Poster
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"Before and After" Unicorn Poster

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