Sometimes the reference for a piece is right in front of you, you just need to look at it from another angle (in this case, literally).

To develop the cover design for the book that inspired the two-Oscar winner The Exorcist, I took inspiration from the classic scene of Father Merrin's arrival, but captured from above. This allowed me to reimagine the setting so that all the information portrayed became references for the story line. In an initial view, we just have a man walking towards a house... In a more in-depth view or for someone looking at the product from afar, we have a large cross filling the cover in the horror section.

Check out more details about the process and project below:
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The Exorcist - Book Cover
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The Exorcist - Book Cover

To develop the cover design for the book that inspired the two-Oscar winner The Exorcist, I took inspiration from the classic scene of Father Mer 詳細を表示

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