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Home Remedies for Cockroaches

Looking for effective home remedies for cockroaches? Look no further! HiCare, a leading pest control company, offers some simple yet potent solutions to rid your home of these pesky pests.
One classic remedy involves using a mixture of baking soda and sugar. The sugar lures cockroaches in, while the baking soda works its magic to eliminate them. Another option is boric acid, a potent white powder deadly to cockroaches. However, it's crucial to handle boric acid with care due to its potential harm to humans and pets. Finally, diatomaceous earth, derived from fossilized algae, dehydrates cockroaches effectively.
With these home remedies recommended by HiCare, you can tackle cockroach infestations safely and effectively, creating a healthier environment for your household.
Home Remedies for Cockroaches


Home Remedies for Cockroaches

