Pen tool practice + Detailed line vector artwork
- I selected a real-life object to ignite my creativity and provide a tangible foundation for my artwork.
- Integrating customized geometric and freehand patterns onto the object's various planes allowed me to add depth and complexity to the composition.
- By ensuring smooth curves and sharp corners, I aimed to uphold the aesthetic quality and visual appeal of the artwork.
- Employing thicker outer strokes in the vector artwork emphasized the object's form, enhancing its presence and defining its structure within the intricate patterns.
Chosen Object
- I chose a guitar as my object to merge my passion for music with art, infusing personal significance into the artwork.
- Integrating customized patterns onto the guitar's surface allowed me to transform its form into a captivating visual narrative.
- Ensuring smooth curves and sharp corners maintained aesthetic integrity, while thicker outer strokes in vector artwork enhanced the guitar's presence.
Final Design
Doodle Art


Doodle Art

