Design components for event marketing.
Creating event marketing for professional organizations often starts with headshots of varying quality. Making use of the venue or a speaker's personality will make the message memorable and drive engagement.
St. Petersburg's waterfront Dali Museum was the inspiration for an event hosted at the venue.
The speaker's sense of humor inspired promotion that featured the web site agency’s services blended into the umbrella. Water droplet custom Photoshop brush provided a blue background field for the copy and type design.
Theme for direct mail piece special event played off regional rivalries between Florida's major metro areas.
Professional Development Day is the largest chapter event of the year. Main challenge was uniform presentation of speaker headshots.
Focus was on the eyes of the speaker headshots to create interest in the event.
For this annual charity event promotion a 3D ornament was created in Illustrator and the chapter logo mapped to the sphere.
The chapter's first Skype event connected chapter members with PR professionals in Baton Rouge and Seattle. Design was inspired by regional reputations.
marketing and editorial


marketing and editorial

Promote and publicize the Public Relations Society of America's (PRSA) Tampa Bay chapter's event functions.
