An Animated Short Film by Chloe Douzable
Jo walks into a bar to find a hot goth girl next to him. Although he isn't the greatest flirt, he lands her number. Could this the greatest catch of his 20's or is there a catch to meeting the goth girl of his dreams.
Character Designs and Rigging
While I had decided on Jo design relatively fast, deciding on Peony's hair color took me a couple of days 
Final turnarounds and basic shape breakdowns
Rigging the characters​​​​​​​
These are the node viewsThese Rigs allowed me to work easily by animating my just posing these puppets in thier key poses in a shot and splining once each general frame was posed correctly.
I tried to finalize layout relatively early and put them in greyscale so coloring would be as simple as placing the colors in where I wanted.
Like so! I kept the scenes pretty contrasting in color schemes to really define that they're in a completely new location from the last scene.
Final poster
Different Poster Iterations




