Perfil de Chahat Gupta

Logo Design for Astro Life Healer

Logo Design for Astro Life Healer

Embark on a journey with me as I designed a logo for "Astro Life Healer". I meticulously integrated symbolic elements such as a hand, sun, and stars to accurately convey the brand's essence. The hand signifies guidance and healing, while the sun embodies vitality and enlightenment. Surrounding stars represent promise and potential. To align with the brand's directive and client specifications, I opted for a subdued, tranquil color palette, evoking a sense of calm and serenity. This logo serves as a visual embodiment of the brand's mission, intricately designed to resonate with its audience while meeting the client's exacting standards.
Thank you for exploring the celestial world of Astro Life Healer through the lens of its logo design.
Logo Design for Astro Life Healer


Logo Design for Astro Life Healer
