José Mendozas profil

Flora: An Exploration Of Plant Life (Branding)

Flora is an end of year JMC Academy student design exhibition event where students can showcase their design work. The brief is for students to create an illustration, poster design, animation (GIF), video, etc; showcasing their chosen plant species. This is an opportunity for students to mingle with like-minded peers, as well as potential employers (target audience).

The name Flora was taken from the term ‘flora and fauna’.
Poster Design
Digital or print ticket design
As the concept of the event is around the topic of nature, the event promotes sustainability by the use of digitally emailed tickets. The ticket is stylised with flower shaped cut-outs, and includes the word mark, tagline, details of the event, a barcode, a small icon of the logo, as well as the JMC and Adobe (mock sponsor) logo.
Instagram tiles design
Instagram tiles design demonstration
Flora: An Exploration Of Plant Life (Branding)


Flora: An Exploration Of Plant Life (Branding)
