Henkilön Helen D'Avanza profiili

Venture Bros. Card Deck

July/August 2013 - Adobe Photoshop CS6 - 1 week.
Easily the biggest project I've ever worked on, a friend commissioned me for a deck of Venture Bros. cards modeled off of the VB deck in the game Poker Night 2. Using screenshots as reference, I chose the textures, colors and pictures of the characters that best suited the in-game deck. A lot of improvisation was used in rendering the face cards, as sometimes there were no high-quality images of the characters available; the queen, most notably, was drawn entirely by me using the Bezier tool and a track pad (no mouse!). The joker cards were my own personal touch to the deck.
Venture Bros. Card Deck

Venture Bros. Card Deck

52 card deck commission.
