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Most Popular Places in Busan For Koreans

Most Popular Places in Busan For Koreans Based on Their Age
Weekend hangout spots in Busan vary depending on age demographics, with distinct preferences emerging among different age groups.

According to data from the Busan Research Institute’s Digital City Information Center, young adults aged 25 to 34 tend to flock to Millak-dong and Bujeon 2-dong during weekends and holidays.

The popularity of coastal areas is also prevalent among young adults, suggesting a preference for trendy hotspots like Songjeong, Haeundae, Gwangalli beaches, Seomyeon, and Jeonpo-dong cafe streets. Gwangalli has witnessed a noticeable increase in weekend visitors, with a proliferation of chic cafes and restaurants catering to the younger demographic.

People aged 35 and above, particularly those with young children, gravitate towards Gijang on weekends. Families often explore the attractions in Dongbusan Tourist Complex, enjoying outlets, amusement parks, and shopping centers.

Among the 45 to 64 age group, Gijang emerges as a top weekend destination, reflecting the preference for leisurely outings and family-friendly venues. The beaches near Gijang and Haeundae, along with department stores and supermarkets, cater to the needs of families seeking diverse recreational opportunities.

Individuals aged 65 and above exhibit a more consistent pattern, with no significant disparity in weekend versus weekday population distribution.

However, places like Dongbusan Tourist Complex, Songjeong/Gwangalli Beach, Children’s Grand Park, Hot Springs Park, Geumjeongsan Mountain, and Beomeosa Temple remain popular among seniors seeking relaxation and cultural enrichment during weekends.

Most Popular Places in Busan For Koreans

Most Popular Places in Busan For Koreans


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