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Spring Forest Dew - Butterflies and Flowers

Spring Forest Dew - Butterflies and flowers
Life is a series of miraculous moments.​​​​​​​
Before modernisation, the nuts of this tree were harvested for lamp oil, leading to their planting at forest entrances. This historical use has since been forgotten, with the tree now quietly producing aromatic flowers in seclusion.
A brave little butterfly stakes its territory. In the mountain hamlet, teams of spring ephemerals and overwinterers flit about, engaging in chases. The veterans, ousted by these energetic newcomers, proclaim, 'We've weathered far more storms than you newbies!' Yet, these valiant fledglings, freshly hatched, are survivors of their own prolonged and perilous journeys from eggs, carrying the weight of lives that couldn't greet the spring, lives just as invaluable.
An early harbinger of spring, the Velvet Bee Fly emerges resembling a fluffy plush toy. It seems to enjoy hovering and watching his own shadow. The females appear after the males have emerged.
Growing on the forest floor of deciduous woodlands, this plant emerges in early spring to perform a year's worth of photosynthesis during the brief period before the trees are covered in leaves, creating shade. It takes seven years of energy accumulation for it to bloom.
This butterfly emerged in the early summer of last year. They have braved Japan's sweltering summer through estivation and endured a winter with snowfall by hibernating. Now, he greets his first spring with joy.
This butterfly is named after the tengu due to its long proboscis. He, too, is a survivor who has successfully overwintered as an adult. He is licking the minerals from my hand.
Early spring flowers disappear into dew in a matter of a week.
Spring Forest Dew - Butterflies and Flowers

Spring Forest Dew - Butterflies and Flowers
