Stefan Czernoruckis profil

Zizezink | Website Design

Arquiteta de formação, descendente de alemães e escoceses, se apaixonou por arquitetura e interiores quando ainda morava na Alemanha. Estabelecida em São Paulo, se tornou uma profissional marcante com mais de 300 projetos executados no Brasil, na Europa e nos Estados Unidos em 20 anos de carreira. Com foco em arquitetura de alto padrão, atua nos segmentos: residencial comercial, corporativo, incorporação e mostras.

Zize Zink is an architect by training, of German and Scottish descent, she fell in love with architecture and interiors when she still lived in Germany. Established in São Paulo, she became an outstanding professional with more than 300 projects carried out in Brazil, Europe and the United States in her 20-year career. Focusing on high-standard architecture, it operates in the following segments: residential, commercial, corporate, development and exhibitions.


Creative Direction: Smart Design 265 - Agency
Motion Graphics: Stefan Czernorucki
Graphic Design: Stefan Czernorucki
UI/UX Design: Stefan Czernorucki
Client: Zize Zink​​​​​​​


São Paulo - Brazil (2023)

Zizezink | Website Design


Projekt gjort för

Zizezink | Website Design

Web site design for Architecture Office, using Figma and UI/UX concepts. Desktop and Mobile Versions. Modern, clean, minimal and white.
