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The inner part, space, or side of something that is inside;
The inward nature; someone's mind, thoughts, or feelings; someone's private self;
Within the limits of what is allowed by something, for example the law or a set of rules;
In less than a particular amount of time or under a particular limit (inside of);
Of information, known only by people in a group, organization, or company, secret;

In-side, inside out, inside of, insides, deep down, core, inner exploration, spatial inside, social dynamics.

Some additional aspects to consider when exploring the concept of "inside":
Vulnerability and Protection - Transformation and Growth - Intimacy and Connection - Mystery and Discovery - Temporal Inside - Metaphysical Inside - Process of perception (construct), outside-in inside-out framework, moving lines, edges, light or dark areas, and other physical qualities elicited firing in different sets of neurons.

Behind the scene
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