Personal project for fictional client:
Art Director: Alonso Dávila Lourenço de Lima
Digital Artist: Rafael Quick -

A plane explodes in the Sky in Ukraine and generates shock and worry for the 200 passengers it carries. A bus falls into a river and we mourn the deaths of the 75 aboard. This campaign takes these numbers and compares them to the Tobacco death toll, which matches these terrible events in a manner of minutes.

Visually one image becomes another as it transitions into the next page of the magazine. The black rectangle that encircles both pages is to unify them, to be sure the unity is not overlooked, to be sure the viewer understands they are are part of the same message.

Project number three.

Smoke crashes
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Smoke crashes

Personal project for fictional client: Art Director: Alonso Dávila Lourenço de Lima Digital Artist: Rafael Quick - http://rafaelqui Ver mais

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