Profil von Abbie McGuire

Social Pastiche Project

Social Pastiche Project
The objective for this project was to create a poster that is a pastiche/imitation of a historical design movement of my choice. Then, I decided on a social topic/issue or movement to communicate in my design. I choose to use the Art Deco movement as my design inspiration. The social issue I wanted to address is the importance of being a safe, focused driver, especially as smartphones continue to be a distraction for many drivers.
Art Deco Influences 
Type: All caps, bold, harsh lines, exaggerated curves
Futuristic lines: parallel lines, repetitive geometrical shapes, strong lines
Large areas of unused space
Flattened look (more artistic and less realistic)
Research Poster
I began my research by finding information and facts about the Art Deco movement. I looked at some of the most influential artists of the time and different pieces of their work. I also looked at some modern takes on the Art Deco style. 
Social Pastiche Project

Social Pastiche Project
