Jonathan Franco 님의 프로필

Hacienda: Nature's Architectural Embrace

In the heart of the Antioquian mountains lies a hacienda spanning 1500 square meters, transcending the mere definition of architectural space. Inspired by the vision of Luis Barragán, this masterpiece seamlessly blends nature with human creation.
With open-air corridors serving as paths of contemplation, the hacienda beckons one to immerse in the beauty of the surroundings. The view of the mountains becomes the embracing horizon, while an infinity pool appears to merge with the landscape, creating a unique visual harmony.
More than just a place, this hacienda prompts reflection on the connection between humans and their natural environment. In an increasingly disconnected world, this space reminds us of the importance of preserving and celebrating the beauty of the natural world.
Thus, the hacienda becomes a tribute to Barragán's vision, reminding us that the true greatness of architecture lies in its ability to emotionally and spiritually inspire those who inhabit and visit it.
Coming soon...
Hacienda: Nature's Architectural Embrace


Hacienda: Nature's Architectural Embrace
