Beginning of spring

푸르름이 온세상에 내려앉았고,
작은 마을에 봄이 찾아왔네요~

겨울동안 쌓인 낙엽을 쓸고
밭에 씨를 뿌리고 꽃을 심으면서
봄을 준비하기 위해서 마을 사람들이 분주합니다.

Blueness fell over the world,
Spring has come to the small town!
Sweeping up fallen leaves that accumulated during the winter
Sowing seeds and planting flowers in the field
Villagers are busy preparing for spring.

42x29.7 / Colored pencils on paper

Work Process
Post card example
ⓒ drawing by Nari
The updated picture is a personal creation and cannot be distributed or stolen without permission. 
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Beginning of spring


Beginning of spring


크리에이티브 분야