Wildfire is a summer camp where middle school students can grow closer to their friends and God through high-energy games, teachings, and worship. I was tasked with leading and carrying out the branding process with a focus on merchandise.

In years prior, Wildfire was made up of two different weeks. Because of venue size and a growing number of students, it wasn't possible to host all of them in one weekend. This year it was decided that the venue would be changed to allow for all students to be present the same week. The old venue was a camp with a lake, rope swing, and plenty of other activities that returning students came to love and new students knew they could look forward to. This year Wildfire will be held at a college campus, a major change in setting compared to the camp.

​A lot of elements would carry over from previous years, like the games, teachings, and worship, but there's no denying that because of the new venue, everything would look and feel a little different this year. Wildfire is known for its high-energy, fun, crazy environment (it's middle schoolers). We wanted to make sure that the branding reflected this so that new and returning students could feel that even though the venue is different, the experience they have will be consistent with what they've come to expect from years past.

Deliverables included merchandise, branding, social graphics, and print design.


