Henkilön Andrea Long profiili

Driving Into Tomorrow

(Roles: assistant director)

Our classmate Rick is a member of the Hawaii Filmmakers Collective (HFC). The HFC holds many events throughout the year. One of these events was a 72 hour film challenge competition. Rick asked the class if anyone wanted to join and we formed a group.  You are given 72 hours to come up with a 5 minute piece that incorporates 3 requirements. The requirements for the 2023 Challenge were:Theme: Community Strength. Props: Twine/String & Feather. Line of Dialogue: “Every moment is a new beginning.” As soon as the requirements were announced, our group had a meeting to discuss what we wanted the story to be. This took us several hours, but we were able to come up with an idea, borrow equipment, and secure a location and talent to pull it off. Roles were assigned and for the next two days we shot the piece. Then, Rick and a few other people worked on editing and he submitted it. A few weeks later, we found out that our team was selected as a finalist. Most of us in the group attended the live announcement at the Doris Duke theater. Although we didn’t win, it was a great event where we were able to watch our project live in a theater, and meet new friends. Everyone in the group helped to contribute in their own way and we all worked well together. 
Driving Into Tomorrow

Driving Into Tomorrow
