...but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die... Genesis 2, Verse 17 ...In pain you shall bring forth children... Genesis 3, Verse 16 ...In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground... Genesis 3, Verse 19

As we go through life we aspire for better things yet we do not understand that the process of transformation is a painful one. In the world of minerals one can observe the metamorphic process whereby minerals go through extreme temperatures of heat and pressure which by time translate into beautiful crystals. 

Humanity is destined to go through the process of transformation and the price for our new life, new change and new rules is full of pain, ugliness and closely connected to death. Before WW I and after WW I one can see two different worlds, worlds that are absolutely different from one another,  the new one completely transformed in hope of a better and brighter future until...once again we put our mind to want something different, something more thus knowing more, becoming more... and once again we forget about the ugliness and pain involved in metamorphism.

Metamorphism I

Metamorphism I

Work for Bieganski Foundation


Creative Fields