Kathy Klyopova sin profil

Scary Tale Illustration

Scary Tale Illustration
#2: Robert McCammon. He’ll Come Knocking on Your Door, 1986
I would like to show you one of my educational projects. The theme of the projects was scary tales. The main goal was to create a series of illustrations that would convey the feeling of fear without depicting people or characters at all. During the work, it was necessary to find techniques that would allow us to convey emotion and a sense of fear without directly depicting monsters, aliens, ghosts, etc.
preliminary sketches before starting work
A story about the fact that everything has to be paid for. A man with his wife and daughter moves to a small town, where everything begins for them to make up and in general they were very lucky. Just before Halloween, a man will find out which one he is have to pay for all this luck and who exactly (spoiler - to a terrible otherworldly creature).
Restrictions that were imposed on the execution: only black and white images, only hand drawing, no figures of people or any other creatures can be used.
Scary Tale Illustration

Scary Tale Illustration
