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DigiNorm: Workspace Discovery Web App

DigiNorm: Designing a Workspace Discovery Web App for Digital Nomad
Digital nomads need reliable workspaces with the right amenities and atmosphere. Yet, finding this information upfront on existing platforms is a constant struggle. DigiNorm solves this with a streamlined app focused on the features that matter most to nomads

Problem Statement:
Digital nomads waste time and energy searching for workspaces that meet their basic needs. Current apps often prioritize quantity of listings over quality of information, leading to unsuitable choices and disrupted workdays.

My Solution:
DigiNorm adopts a user-centric approach with the following key features:

Workspace Quick Overview
Home screen listings prominently display essential amenities like WiFi strength, noise level, outlet availability, and coffee options. This empowers instant decision-making.
Visual Seat Layout: Inspired by reservation systems, this feature allows users to visualize workspace layouts using color-coded shapes (available, reserved, etc.). Nomads can confidently choose their ideal spot in advance.
Focus on UX: A clean layout, intuitive navigation, and a calming color scheme prioritize ease of use, especially for nomads on the go.

Explore the Full Design
Results & Learnings:
DigiNorm aims to minimize uncertainty for nomads, leading to fewer workplace frustrations and greater productivity.

This project reinforced the power of clear information hierarchy and intuitive visual solutions in enhancing user experience.

Future Vision:
Ideally, DigiNorm could integrate real-time availability data and offer in-app workspace bookings.

Call to Action
I welcome your feedback! How else can we empower digital nomads in their workspace discovery?

Open for Opportunities
I'm passionate about UX design and am actively seeking freelance web design projects, collaborations, or exciting job opportunities. If you're looking for a dedicated and user-focused designer, please get in touch!

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DigiNorm: Workspace Discovery Web App


DigiNorm: Workspace Discovery Web App
